Manfaat Daun Torbangun Berdasarkan Jurnal Ilmiah dan Menurut Expert
- Used as a breast milk stimulant by the Batak people (Indonesia) for hundreds of years.
- Increase breast milk volume by 65% in the last 2 weeks of supplementation.
- Greater increase in breast milk production compared to breastfeeding mothers who consume Molocco+B12 tablets (10%) or Fenugreek seeds (20%).
Why Do We Use Vegetable Capsules?
- Evermom uses vegetable capsules that are safer and healthier for consumption because they are made from plants or vegetables.
- Vegetable Capsules are different from Gelatin Capsules, gelatin capsules are made from the basic ingredients of animal protein, especially collagen extracted from the skin of animals such as cows or pigs (not suitable for vegetarians or vegans)
- Does not cause allergies for those with sensitive skin
- Safe to consume for those who have liver and kidney problems and does not cause side effects